What is Lifestyle medicine?

What is Lifestyle Medicine?

The benefits of lifestyle medicine are vast and profound.  Lifestyle medicine empowers individuals to take control of their health and make lasting changes. Instead of relying solely on medications and invasive procedures, lifestyle medicine harnesses the power of nutrition, exercise, and stress reduction techniques to improve health outcomes and prevent chronic diseases.

Lifestyle Medicine is about changing the way you do things, changing the daily choices you make and ultimately creating a lifestyle that is supportive of health. So it is not about a once off diet, or a 6 week bootcamp. It is about all setting you up with sustainable, long lasting healthful habits and behaviours.

Believe it or not, living with chronic lifestyle diseases is not necessary. Lifestyle diseases such as type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity are all preventable and manageable through making different lifestyle choices.

Equally, living with fatigue and pain or feeling down and anxious is not “normal” despite being extremely common. Your lifestyle can have dramatic effects, both positive and negative on how you feel both physically, mentally and emotionally.

Jac Edser